EM212 Dust: Actinomycetes + Total Mould (FAB2)

Dust Swiffer testing comprises tests for assessing environmental exposure to key moulds, bacteria and metabolites.

This test considers actinomycetes and total mould species. The most frequent species of bacteria found in buildings damaged by water are Actinomycetes. This is a type of bacteria that produces biotoxins similar to mycotoxin in the mold. In general, the biotoxins of bacteria by weight and mass are much more important, for example, than mycotoxins. The test is based on the microbial identification of all bacteria in the sample. The Actino test was developed by selecting the 40 main species of Actino in the sample to create a score for Building-related Disease (BRI) situation.

The total mold test detects and quantifies all the mould species in the sample and reports the results as spore equivalent per milligrams of the sample.